Charla Apana
I am 50 years young and wife to Joseph Apana for 30 years. We have six children and five grandchildren and two more on the way. I have served in ministry for over 35 years. Pastoring in any way God would have me serve in his house.
I am a published author of a book titled Shema: Assemble the Barn Owls, and it’s about how to hear from the Holy Spirit concerning your everyday life. I share my raw testimony of pain into victory as we embraced the true meaning of Shema in our Journey with the Holy Spirit.
I am currently serving with my husband at an anointed church called The Pursuit Northwest and feel this is where God has me.
I have always mentored and coached women over the years, but never felt to go full-time doing it. However, this year I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to make a faith jump and begin. I left my full-time job to pursue my passion and that was to encourage women to run after their destiny.
I feel this is where my heart lies encouraging & equipping a woman to discover her call from God in all that she was made to be. Give me a chance to pour into you and impart what I’ve learned over the years through countless fails. It an empowering journey as you gain your own anointing to make a difference in the world! So let me coach and mentor you! What are you waiting for?